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How Safer Biogas Tanks Can Save You Thousands of Dollars

As a type of biofuel that not only eliminates waste but also produces a valuable energy source, biogas production has increased in recent years. According to the US Energy Information Administration, biogas contributed to approximately 11.5 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity back in 2017.

However, biogas can be only be produced in an anaerobic environment without oxygen. This is a very important step in its development, which is why special attention should be paid when selecting the type of tank to store it in.

As the central link in the production of methane from waste, biogas tanks are where the waste is dumped and anaerobic digestion occurs. As the waste eventually produces methane, the gas can be safely transported for use as biofuel.


What are the Problems Associated with Biogas Tanks?

As the de-facto transformation of manure to energy, biogas tanks are specially designed structures that are home to several chemicals and gases, such as:

  • Methane
  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Water
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Hydrogen Sulfide
  • Ammonia
  • Trace elements (such as organo-halogenated, siloxanes, )

Some of these elements (hydrogen sulfide, water, and carbon dioxide) are very corrosive in nature and pose a direct threat to the tank’s structure.

Corrosion works against the structural integrity of the tank, which can pave the way for the chemicals and waste to escape. Not only does this pose a grave environmental threat, but it can also harm both humans and animals.

For biogas tank owners, corrosion is the biggest threat to their biofuel business; the escaped biogas represents lost profits and comes with the additional burden of being hit by environmental penalties.

In fact, two separate companies, namely Greener For Life Energy Ltd and Trinity Hall Biogas Ltd., were fined over ₤20,000 and ₤17,000 respectively for faults in their tanks that resulted in leaks. When converted into dollar terms, the cumulative fines amounted to well over $45,000.

While corrosive elements in a biogas tank are a given, advanced manufacturers such as Octaform have invented a safer, cleaner way that adds strength and durability to these tanks.


Octaform Tanks are Safer, Stronger, and Better

Octaform’s product is a revolutionary stay-in-place concrete wall forming system which is optimized to reduce energy consumption and adds several years to the life of sensitive concrete structures – like biogas tanks.

Having assisted in the manufacturing and setting up of hundreds of anaerobic digesters across the globe, Octaform understands that biogas tank owners are constantly fighting against accidental leakage.

Our built-in PVC strengthens your structure’s resolve against corrosive gases, making your tanks more durable and long-lasting.

Concrete – one of the toughest building materials on the planet – is combined with our renowned PVC finish for added durability to safeguard your tank from cracks and leaks.

There are various advantages of using an Octaform biogas tank. Firstly, you can safely generate a cost-effective and environmentally friendly source of energy. Secondly, a strong defense against eroding elements can save you from thousands of dollars’ worth of fines in case of leakage.

Lastly, there are additional savings to be made as Octaform biogas tanks do not require as much maintenance as conventional equipment.

As global reliance on renewable energy continues to increase, biogas production is also expected to rise. Working with safer, sturdier tanks – like the ones made by Octaform – not only allows owners to extract more gas, but also protects the environment.